Office of State Assessment

New York State Grade 8 Intermediate-Level Science Test June 2022

Performance Levels Chart and Conversion Chart for Determining a Student’s Final Test Score

Note: Use for June 2022 test only.

The chart on the next page defines the four performance levels for this test. The State-designated level of performance for this test is a final score of 65 or higher (level 3 and 4). The chart provides the score range and a brief description of student performance at each level.

To determine the student’s final examination score, find the student’s total test raw score in the column labeled “Raw Score” and then locate the scale score that corresponds to that raw score. The scale score is the student’s final examination score.

Note: Use for the June 2022 test only. Conversion charts provided for previous administrations of the Grade 8 Intermediate-Level Science Test must NOT be used to determine students’ final scores for the June 2022 administration of the test.

Performance Levels: Grade 8 Intermediate-Level Science Test
Level Final Test Score Range Description of Student Performance
4 85-100

Meeting the Standards with Distinction

  • Student demonstrates superior understanding of the intermediate-level science content and concepts for each of the learning standards and key ideas assessed.
  • Student demonstrates superior intermediate-level science skills related to each of the learning standards and key ideas assessed.
  • Student demonstrates superior understanding of the intermediate-level science content, concepts, and skills required for a secondary academic environment.
3 65-84

Meeting the Standards

  • Student demonstrates understanding of the intermediate-level science content and concepts for each of the learning standards and key ideas assessed.
  • Student demonstrates the science skills required for intermediate-level achievement in each of the learning standards and key ideas assessed.
  • Student demonstrates understanding of the intermediate-level science content, concepts, and skills required for a secondary academic environment.
2 44-64

Not Fully Meeting the Standards

  • Student demonstrates only minimal proficiency in intermediate-level science content and concepts in most of learning standards and key ideas assessed.
  • Student demonstrates only minimal proficiency in the skills required for intermediate-level achievement in most of the learning standards and key ideas assessed.
  • Student demonstrates marginal understanding of the science content, concepts, and skills required for a secondary academic environment.
1 0-43

Not Meeting the Standards

  • Student is unable to demonstrate understanding of the intermediate-level science content and concepts in most of the learning standards and key ideas assessed.
  • Student is unable to demonstrate the science skills required for intermediate-level achievement in most of the learning standards and key ideas assessed.
  • Student is unable to demonstrate evidence of the basic science knowledge and skills required for a secondary academic environment.

Grade 8 Intermediate-Level Science Conversion Charts for Determining a Student's Final Test Score

Note: Use for June 2022 test only.

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Last Updated: June 8, 2022